Zeitschrift für Oralmedizin Offener Zugang


Fantastic Course of Migratory Metallic Foreign Body and Its Removal

Chintale SG, Kirdak VR, Jatale SP, Shaikh K and Sajit S

We report a 55-year-old female patient who presented with swelling over left side of neck with pain during deglutition. She had a history of ingesting the metallic object while eating 7 days back but exact what have ingested doesn’t know to the patient as per history. On examination of the neck revealed a firm indurated swelling over left side of neck. Computed tomography scans were obtained it show the metallic foreign body in cricopharynx mostly towards left side. Direct laryngoscopy and oesophagoscope done to locate foreign body but foreign body was not found then the foreign body was easily removed under general anesthesia by lateral neck exploration approach. The patient recovered very well without any complications.