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Impact of solid waste dump on ground water quality in the village Kasaba-Bawda, Kolhapur district, Maharashtra, India

B. L. Chavan, N. S. Zambare and S. H. Pawar

Water is essential for all life forms on the earth. Clean water for drinking is a major requirement for healthy society. Water for human society is mainly available from two major sources to fulfill most of the human needs, Surface Water and Ground Water and is largely affected by pollution of these sources. The present investigation was planned assess the Ground Water Quality at Kasaba-Bawda village in Karveer Tahasil of Kolhapur District of Maharashtra. Water samples from eight discrete locations comprised of Open Wells, Tube-Wells and a Fixed Masonry Reservoirs were chosen based on their distance from polluting source identified were selected for the Ground Water sampling to study the impacts of solid waste dumping on the Ground Water Quality of publically available drinking water sources at selective locations. The quality was assessed in terms of major parameters. The pH varied between 6.5 to 7.1, hardness between 173 to 422 mg/L and presence of organisms (MPN) including that, the water from the water sources located in the vicinity of solid waste dumping sites were slightly polluted making the water unfit for drinking