Zeitschrift für klinische Epigenetik Offener Zugang


Ovarian Papillary Cystadenocarcinoma in Sub Saharan Africa: A Case Report

Kambire JL, Sanon BG, Zare C and Kambou T

Introduction: Ovarian cancer is the fifth most common cancer of women; it accounts for 3.8% of all neoplasms. It concerns women over 45 years old and its revelation is late. Ovarian papillary cystadenocarcinoma is the most frequent histological form in 75% of cases. Its prognosis is bleak because of its late diagnosis. The purpose of this observation is to discuss its diagnostic and therapeutic approach in a context of limited resources.

Patient and methods: It is a case study realized at Bobo-Dioulasso’s Teaching Hospital Center (Burkina Faso).

Results: We report here the case of an ovarian papillary cystadenocarcinoma in a 28 year old patient, revealed by a pelvic tumor, without alteration of the general state.

Conclusion: The malignant ovarian tumor is possible before 30 years; abdominopelvic computed tomography should supplement abdominopelvic ultrasound in the event of diagnosis of ovarian tumor to better define the nature of lesions and their degree of invasion and allow better planning of treatment.