Journal of Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Offener Zugang


Steroid Cell Tumor-Not Otherwise Specified: A Not So Rare Tumor of Ovary

Sahana Punneshetty, Anitha Thomas, Sherin Daniel, Ashish Singh

Steroid cell tumor-not otherwise specified accounts for sixty percent of the rare steroid cell tumors. These tumors are presumed to be of ovarian stromal cell origin. They are typically benign with one third of them exhibiting malignant behaviour. Androgenic manifestations are common and are the predominant complaints among these patients. They are slow growing in nature and are known for late recurrences. Surgery is the gold standard treatment for both benign and malignant variants. Early stages have good prognosis and good survival, inclusive of fertility sparing surgeries. There is no standard of treatment with respect to advanced stages management and is usually customized to patients. However, complete cytoreductive surgery plays a curative role in these cases similar to epithelial ovarian tumors and is the initial step. Adjuvant therapy has evolved over time and is not limited to taxane/platinum based chemotherapy. Hormonal therapy has shown promising results in recurrent cases and needs further validation.