Unveiling the Evolutionary Roots of Human Behavior: A Paradigm Shift in Psychology
Insights into Neuroimaging for Primary Headaches: A Perspective from China
Exploring Dissociation in Epilepsy and Functional Seizures: A Comprehensive Review
Enhancing Diabetes Knowledge Assessment: Revision and Psychometric Evaluation of the DKQ for Type 2 Diabetes Patients
The Silent Struggle: Menstrual Pain, Mood Swings, and Hygiene
Understanding the Human Side of Climate Change: Insights from Social Psychology
Empathetic Strategies: Addressing Social Isolation and Loneliness in Late-Onset Delusional Disorder Care
Households and Food Waste: Exploring Segmentation for Sustainable Practices
Reflections of Identity: Autoscopic Hallucinations in an African American Woman with Schizophrenia
Kurze Kommunikation
Decoding Akathisia Treatments: Insights from a Network Meta-Analysis