Zeitschrift für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie Offener Zugang

Volumen 5, Ausgabe 1 (2019)


Impact of Iron Deficiency Anemia Treatment on Type 2 Diabetic Complications

  • Amira S Ahmed, Rehab M Elgharabawy, Amal H Al-Najjar, Monerh H Al-Abdullatif, Mona A Al- Abdullatif and Turki A Al-Mogbel


The Breast Milk’s Hsa-miR-195-5p is a potential Biomarker for the protection against Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV-1

  • Linda Mouafo Mekue, Céline Nguefeu Nkenfou, Lorena Zentilin, Jules-roger Kuiaté, Mauro Giacca and Alexis Ndjolo