Zeitschrift für interventionelle Kardiologie Offener Zugang


Myopathic Cardiology, Traits and its Therapeutical Actions

Prasanna Kolakalapudi

Cardiomyopathy is a group of diseases that affects the heart muscles. Early on there may be few or no symptoms, the disease cardiac myopathic symptoms are shortness the breath, feeling tired, swelling the legs. In some cases the onset of heart failure the irregular heartbeats and the other risks may occur. This type of risks may lead to sudden death to the people. The term myopathy is coined as the disease which is related to skeletal muscle and it have many causes to in the body.
The identification of the myopathies needs a neurologic history and examination. This type of process is accomplished on an outpatient basis by a circumstanced physician. The muscles biopsies are deliberately prepared and undergo extensive analysis into determine the existence of myopathies. On the occasion muscle individuals may be sent to outside equipment for special stains. The myopathic symptoms were randomly assigned in a double blinded protocol to treatment with coenzymes and the vitamins E for 30 days. Muscle care and pain interference with daily tasks were assessed before and after treatment.